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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2012
    4 472
    Total, Thanks 26 174 fois
    Pouvoir de réputation

    Image Nabilosat Darkstar II pour dm500s

    Nabilosat Darkstar II

    -please send Cccam.cfg in var/etc with ftp
    -add Cccaminfo_v1.1 new (Yellow Button)
    -add ECM info
    -add nagrab recording in image
    -teltext ok
    -new bootlogo hd
    -Changed the original skins with the new skin Exclusive_Violet thanx to Jhosua15 & matrix
    -delet old skins
    -Now you can change the form of a channel presntation with button help
    -add fransh and english Language in demarge
    -all longage ok
    -add option DVR withe help botton
    -big var now 75% Free espace
    -font size add
    -Fast image to open channels with Cccam2.1.2
    -send this image with dreamup or falshwizare ok

    **Contenu caché: Cliquez sur Thanks pour afficher. **

    Dernière modification par Rafik15 ; 09/09/2013 à 23h36.
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  2. # ADS
    Image Nabilosat Darkstar II pour dm500s
    Ich'har Circuit publicitaire
    Date d'inscription

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