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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2013
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    Hand stick work lost in the ankle (VIDEO

    Doctors have successfully performed a surgery on broken hand set of a boy he held for 30 days associated with veins of the leg.Xiao Wei, last November lost his hand in an accident but thought it would have ringjitur a way to hand it had taken him to the hospital. But doctors told him that nothing could be done to save his hand and it was not possible to climb, given that it was completely detached from the wing. By renouncing the doctors,the boy came to another large hospital and doctors there gave him some hope. Whether Xiao would leave his hand welded for several days on foot, probably would be able to recover. For 30 days he kept his hand connected with the veins of the leg. After this period, the hand was put back in place himself, and thankfully went up with the rest of the wing.

    Dernière modification par malvo ; 18/12/2013 à 00h16.

  2. # ADS
    Hand stick work lost in the ankle (VIDEO
    Ich'har Circuit publicitaire
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