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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2012
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    Faire la différence entre un Vu+ Solo original et cloné

    j'ai trouve cet article que je trouve interessant, c'est bien dommage qu'il soit en anglais.

    Dear partners and Customers,

    Vu+, unarguably the leading supplier of Linux based set top box, works relentlessly to make sure the utmost quality that you expect us to achieve. This has been the integral part of the whole operations in developing and manufacturing.
    However, we recently learned that a clone of Vu+ SOLO could now be traded through illegal transaction routes from China. In responding to this grave situation, we assure you that we will take all possible legal measures to ensure that such pirated copies of Vu+ products be not traded freely. Furthermore, we have already begun a technical process via which to upgrade the algorithm of system security implemented in all Vu+ products soon.
    When this upgrade is put into place, no pirated copies of Vu+ products will work. While we sincerely ask for your unilateral support in dealing with this serious matter, let us state the following aspects so that you can inform those who might be interested in Vu+ clones.

    1.No software update will be possible.
    2.The hardware stability of clone is very questionable.
    3.No repair support will be offered for clone boxes.

    Also, please be noted that SOLO clones have several points that are different from the genuine SOLO as below:

    We would be sincerely grateful if you send us email ([email protected]) on any information regarding how these clones are actually traded by whom. We believe that fighting against pirated copies of Vu+ products is not just for the benefit of Vu+ only but also for all customers of Vu+ as a whole. Thus, we once again wish for your unilateral support.

    Best regards,

    Vu+ TEAM

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2014
    Total, Thanks 21 fois
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    Re : Faire la différence entre un Vu+ Solo original et cloné

    Ma question est plutot logicielle, quelle est vraiment la difference entre les clones et originales si ce n'est le prix ?
    VU+ ZERO Blackhole

  4. #3
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2012
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    Re : Faire la différence entre un Vu+ Solo original et cloné


    une clone beug et des fois un blocage total par contre l'originale est parfaite

    Dernière modification par Mimiche ; 22/04/2014 à 10h55.

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