Coach Juergen Klopp Borussia Dortmund shared his opinion about the meeting rematch of the quarterfinals of the Champions League against Real Madrid. As is known, " yellow and black " totally beat hapless rival were a step to create a sensation , but the best game of the Casillas and omissions of German footballers Real rescued from a real defeat.
"When the game after exchanging views with our injured player Subotic , he told me he was very proud to be part of this team and I feel the same. After the meeting should be prepared and videos to show to all the teams that have lost in first meeting with 3-0 , "said Klopp .
" The boys were keen to continue further. In Madrid not work out , but now a 100% demonstrates this desire. We were better than your opponent and should have scored more goals , as our game was really amazing . Anyone not to blame today. Receive and great atmosphere . quickly gave people a ray of hope that everything can be done. This was an amazing night, " said the coach of Borussia .