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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2013
    2 941
    Total, Thanks 6 176 fois
    Pouvoir de réputation

    Requirement: to put an avatar and a signature.

    for a better understanding between the members, Maghreb-Sat team asks you to put an avatar and a signature.
    An "Avatar" is a small picture or photo that will be displayed at the top of all the messages you write, next to your username, and you can set and change into your "dashboard".

    To follow an avatar address>

    signature must not be large (font size) and must not contain external links to other forum or site as the pub is prohibited.
    You should point your satellite hardware (récepteur..) as well as other information such as its image, its Emu ..
    this is somehow a card, and this will help and assist you in case of problems or questions.

    To follow your signature address>

    Maghreb-Sat Team
    Dernière modification par malvo ; 12/09/2013 à 10h30.

    Qbox MiniHD
    Para ver el contenido oculto hay que pulsar like, o el corazón, situado en la parte derecha de los post
    To see hidden content, you must click like or hearth, on the right side of the post.

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