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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2012
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    Hustler TV and Dorcel TV on Astra 1L parameters change

    Hustler TV channels TV and Dorcel TV has changed its technical parameters reception when broadcast via satellite Astra 1L ( 19.2 ° East ) so those viewers subscribers will have to re resintonizarlos .

    Both channels are still present in the satellite Astra 1L at the same frequency of 12.722 MHz H - but have changed their spending Symbol Rate of 22000 to 23500 . Both chains are held in the DVB -S2 standard with FEC 2/3 and their signals are also used as professional technicians links fixed for distribution to pay-TV operators .

    The channels are encoded using conditional access systems Viaccess , Nagravision , Mediaguard , Irdeto and Cryptoworks .

    Hustler TV is an adult chain belonging to popular Larry Flint, known for his Hustler magazine , which emits X all the hit movies with famous actors and actresses and famous filmmakers . Hustler TV based in Los Angeles satellite was launched in October 2004 through the Intelsat Americas 7.

    Meanwhile Dorcel TV also emits programming for adult audiences . The channel belonging to the French group Marc Dorcel .

    Reminder : Hustler TV and Dorcel TV on Astra 1L , frequency 12.722 MHz -H (DVB- S , MPEG -4, SR 23500 , FEC 2/3) .
    Dernière modification par MagSat ; 22/10/2022 à 22h07.

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