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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2014
    Italie du Nord
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    New Wetek PBnigma E2 & Kodi 17.09.2015

    EDIT 17.9.15

    - misc E2 stuff

    - XBMC out as it made problems for some addons

    - Some repos in Kodi

    - IPTV playback for settings like ciefp etc. vastly improved. Not done yet.

    - reflash of micro SD card needed !

    Updated already

    This image is still in infancy mode and should be used only by bold, brave and beautiful. Nevertheless, some might find it interesting.
    Please do read included PDF & txt.

    In short:
    - Kodi 15.1 included
    - XBMC 13.2 still there as some may prefer its playback of 29.9xx/23.9xx FPS. We would be grateful on some feedback on this subject. Please do note your TV unit settings; game/pc/turbo enhance/sport etc. It could make a lot of PQ/BQ difference.
    - Samba -> NAS works fine in Kodi, for NFS, at the moment, 1st mount a NFS volume from E2, then root from Kodi. As always YMMV.
    - New E2 RC/FB unit is preferred for now except in Kodi/XBMC where only the original RC/FB works, either in mouse or buttonMode.
    - E2 media programs like internal PVR, MP or MP2 are there only for testing purposes. Media playback is preferred to be done by Kodi/XBMC. You might need a reboot if E2 media players are used on certain files!
    - Please do read about USB sticks/HDDs and mounting them as /media/usb via PB Device Manager. An E2 restart may be required for now after inserting an USB device. We are not in love with automount business for various tech reasons.
    - Temporary removal of USB media should be done via USB eject plugin, permanent via PB device manager. Failure of following this, rather simple, procedure might spoil your media.
    - Issues with some transponders are well known, work in progress (as many other stuff).
    - Same goes for better support for the original (elipsoid) RC/FB.
    - We are aware of (most) problems and working on them.
    - FTP/telnet/ssh default password is 'powerboard'
    - NAND version not planned at this stage. If ever.
    - Reflash needed, simple online update won't do, probably reasonable to do a backup of your settings to an USB stick and do restore after flashing your micro SD card.

    Good luck from PB team!

    **Contenu caché: Cliquez sur Thanks pour afficher. **
    Vu Plus Zero - Vu Plus Solo SE V2

  2. # ADS
    New Wetek PBnigma E2 & Kodi 17.09.2015
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  3. #2
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2013
    Total, Thanks 16 fois
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    Re : New Wetek PBnigma E2 & Kodi 17.09.2015

    In short:
    - Kodi 15.2 included
    - Samba -> NAS works fine in Kodi, for NFS, at the moment, 1st mount a NFS volume from E2, then root from Kodi. As always YMMV.
    - New E2 RC/FB unit is preferred for now except in Kodi where only the original or Elec model RC/FB works, either in mouse or buttonMode.
    - E2 media programs like internal PVR, MP or MP2 are there only for testing purposes. Media playback is preferred to be done by Kodi. You might need a reboot if E2 media players are used on certain files!
    - Please do read about USB sticks/HDDs and mounting them as /media/usb via PB Device Manager. An E2 restart may be required for now after inserting an USB device. We are not in love with automount business for various tech reasons.
    - Temporary removal of USB media should be done via USB eject plugin, permanent via PB device manager. Failure of following this, rather simple, procedure might spoil your media.
    - Issues with some transponders are well known, work in progress (as many other stuff).
    - Same goes for better support for the original (elipsoid) RC/FB.
    - We are aware of (most) problems and working on them.
    - FTP/telnet/ssh default password is 'powerboard'
    - For easier testing the image uses static SSH key. If you feel insecure, pls type: dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key from telnet
    - NAND version not planned at this stage. If ever. 8GB micro SD card recommended for heavy Kodi usage (libs, thumbnails, addons)
    - In case of rootfs corruption, one can fsck.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p2 from OElec in nand, probably android as well, not sure. Need to switch to a different boot procedure in future.
    - Reflash needed, simple online update won't do, probably reasonable to do a backup of your settings to an USB stick and do restore after flashing your micro SD card.

    Good luck from PB team!

    EDIT 4.10.15
    - Elec RC fix thx to mikecc and others, Elec keymap has to be changed from ..System->Keymap - Elec
    - no need to reflash

    **Contenu caché: Cliquez sur Thanks pour afficher. **
    atlas 200s
    wetek play

  4. #3
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2013
    Total, Thanks 16 fois
    Pouvoir de réputation

    Re : New Wetek PBnigma E2 & Kodi 17.09.2015

    **Contenu caché: Cliquez sur Thanks pour afficher. **

    EDIT 6.10.15
    - Elec RC still in limbo state
    - provide info about Kodi partiton
    - enable option to save Kodi settings from E2 backup (mark /media/uSDextra/.kodi)
    - no need to reflash

    et pour installer E2 dans la NAND
    **Contenu caché: Cliquez sur Thanks pour afficher. **
    Dernière modification par titi93fr ; 06/10/2015 à 20h28.
    atlas 200s
    wetek play

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