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    décembre 2013
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    F1 Red Bull Vettel: "De nouvelles règles pour comprendre"

    The riders will have to change their driving style for better next season
    more attention to fuel consumption, engine management and energy recovery : these are some of the features offered by nuoveregole for the next Formula One world championship , with the V6 engines that give an advantage to those who can best adapt. " There will be new elements that will determine your ability to drive - said the title of world champion Sebastian Vettel - in general, will also change other features to stand up to everything we will need to adapt and control. The best"
    CHANGE THE GUIDE - For machines other world will be different, but the role of deteminante driver . " It will definitely be a different driving feel - said the Red Bull driver - especially if you drive with the same attitude of last year , the race did not get to see the checkered flag . This is something that is easy to understand, but as it will lead to a better one ? I think every driver will find his own way to do it. "
    Dernière modification par bertioberto ; 16/02/2014 à 17h45. Motif: F1 Red Bull Vettel : " New rules to understand"
    dreambox 500s gemini 4.20 ccam 2.011

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