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    English Premier League to adopt goal-line technology next season

    English Premier League to adopt goal-line technology next season, Hawk-Eye to be the

    Football's ruling body, FIFA, has already decided that goal-line technology will be used at next year's World Cup in Brazil, which, in and of itself, was an indirect nod for other competitions to follow suit. Today, one of the globe's biggest leagues announced it too will implement the recently approved tech in its matches, with the Premier League letting it be known that the 2013-2014 season is set to be the first to adopt the new system. Speaking of which, the Football Association decided to go with Hawk-Eye, a technology currently present in professional sports like tennis and cricket -- one that provides seven fast-frame shooters around the two goals and uses software to quickly analyze if the ball indeed crossed the line. For the football (soccer) faithful, it's been along time coming, so here's hoping this makes the game less prone to errors. After all, Howard Webb and Mike Dean need all the help they can get.

    Dernière modification par malvo ; 13/04/2013 à 02h43.

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    English Premier League to adopt goal-line technology next season
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