Voir la version complète : BlackHarmony - basic version only for firmware VTI_BY_ZYGA

22/02/2016, 09h44
BlackHarmony - basic version only for firmware VTI
The first method
1. Unpack the archive
2. Put the downloaded package to / tmp, then log on through telnet to the decoder and issue the command:
-xzvf /tmp/*.tar.gz tar -C /

The second method
1. Unpack the archive
2. Put the downloaded package to / tmp, then select VTI panel installer manual and extract tar.gz
Where? and How? configure skin
We collect and install from the download section additional UserFeed to j00zek
At the receiver extensions to download appears to us UserSkin who install
After this instance and restart the GUI, select Menu -> Configuration -> System -> Modifying skin BlackHarmony
We charge interest to us extras
Select personalization peel
Select the appropriate modifications. [At the same time, remember that you can only choose one infobar, ChannelSelection etc., although married couple. Same way with other modifications. Anticipating the questions one at a time! ]
If you have already selected interesting modifications we give [ELECTRIC RED] End
Press [Green] OK
After the restart GUI look forward to a new look. VU + Download: BlackHarmony - basic version only for firmware VTI Download
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22/02/2016, 14h02
good job mon ami

22/02/2016, 16h31
good job mon ami pas de quoi mon ami et merci