Voir la version complète : Hello to all of you

16/02/2016, 12h01
Many thanks to the Staff for my entry, hope to be here for a long time,
best greetings and good luck from charlie

16/02/2016, 12h27
Good evening Charlie
Welcome, thank you to respect the type of presentation like this: For all new English-speaking members. Présentation type to respecter (http://www.maghreb-sat.com/forum/f46/all-new-english-speaking-members-pr%E9sentation-type-respecter-30207.html)
There is an English forum : General Discussion (http://www.maghreb-sat.com/forum/f46/)
Happy surfing and see you soon on the forums

16/02/2016, 15h29
sicuro che siamo inglesi caro vattelapesca benvenuto tra noi

16/02/2016, 17h14
ciao qui siamo nella sezione francese e la presentazione va fatta come scritto qui (http://www.maghreb-sat.com/forum/f94/google-page-ranking%E9sentation-type-%E0-respecter-29408.html)
http://www.maghreb-sat.com/forum/attachments/f94/12923d1417039120-ciao-benvenuto.jpg su http://www.maghreb-sat.com/forum/attachments/f94/12924d1417039157-ciao-maghrebsat.jpg

leggi le faq (http://www.maghreb-sat.com/forum/f125/faq-53467.html), che sono la cosa essenziale per capire come funziona il forum.