Voir la version complète : Hillsborough: Final Anfield memorial service in April

06/01/2016, 17h35
The final Anfield memorial service to remember 96 football fans who died at Hillsborough will take place in April.
Memorial services have been held at Liverpool's stadium in most of the 26 years since the disaster.
Hillsborough families have agreed that this year's service - on the 27th anniversary - will be the final one.
The coroner at the inquests into the fatal crush on 15 April 1989 at the Sheffield stadium will start summing up 279 days' evidence later this month.
The decision to end the Anfield services was made by the Hillsborough Families Support Group (HFSG) following consultation with the relatives of those who died.
On Tuesday, Coroner Lord Justice Goldring adjourned the inquests, being held in Warrington, Cheshire, until 25 January when he expects to summarise the evidence for the jury.
Margaret Aspinall, chairwoman of the HFSG, said: "The 96 will never be forgotten. This final memorial service will provide the families with some closure."
Mrs Aspinall, whose 18-year-old son James died in the disaster, added: "The HFSG would like to thank everyone for all the support the families have received over the past 27 years and all those people who have attended the service at Anfield each year.
"We hope that the public and fans respect the decision of the HFSG and will continue to remember the 96 in their own, perhaps more private, way."