Voir la version complète : VU + Skin BlackHarmony to crash 2.6

13/10/2015, 17h55
VU + Black Harmony to crash 2.6
to download a plug-in UserSkin (Modification Skins BlackHarmony) http://fotoo.pl//out.php?i=1041401_prev.png
â ???? Added support for plug djcrash settings downloader
â ???? Graphic changes for the new version of the plug AdvancedFreePlayer
â ???? Added key to online updates in the plug AdvancedFreePlaye



Menu -> Configuration -> System -> skin
You should see us such a window as the screenshot below
1 1http://fotoo.pl//out.php?i=1041654_thumbs-1.jpg
We charge interest to us extras
Select the personalization of peel
Select the options of interest to us
If we want to change part of the rind select the [Yellow] Skins
Select the modifications of interest to us. [At the same time, remember that you can only select one infobar, ChannelSelection even though married couple. Same way with other modifications. Anticipating the questions one at a time! ]
If you have already selected modifications of interest to us, we give [ELECTRIC RED] End
2 http://fotoo.pl//out.php?i=1041655_thumbs-2.jpg
Press [Green] OK
After restarting the GUI we look forward to the new look.
Skin uses two types of Picon: XPicon and ZZpicon
Renderer searches the following paths:
searchPaths = (â????/media/cf/%s/â????,â????:/media/usb/%s/â????,â????/media/hdd/%s/â????,â????/usr/share/enigma2/%s/â????)
looking directories from piconami:
1. for Xpicon directory should be called Picon
2. for ZZPicon directory should be called zzpicon,
Piocny are not by me. I publish it in the Download section.
Method 1
1. Unpack the archive
2. Put the downloaded package to / tmp, then log in via telnet to the decoder and issue the command:
-xzvf /tmp/*.tar.gz tar -C /
Method 2
1. Unpack the archive
2. Put the downloaded package to / tmp, then select VTI panel installer manual and unpack the tar.gz
Weather MSN plugin configuration
1. Launch plugin
2. Press the Menu
3. You will get a screen
1 http://fotoo.pl//out.php?i=1041656_1-300x245.png
4. Now press the green
5. We get a screen
2 http://fotoo.pl//out.php?i=1041657_2-300x244.png
6. Enter your city and hit yellow
7. You will see a screen
3 http://fotoo.pl//out.php?i=1041658_3-300x250.png
8. Apparently nothing but the code is. This is a mistake of the plugin. Press ok
9. pop up another eye
4 http://fotoo.pl//out.php?i=1041659_4-300x246.png
10. The code has been added. It now remains to re-enter the name of your town and press OK
11. From now you can enjoy the weather information