
Voir la version complète : Linuxsat-Support-Addons

21/01/2015, 20h10

[CENTER]Addon's Installer From linuxsat-support.com


We are aware that many of you can no longer access our addon's server on TSpanel as the plugin is causing problems with the device manager in your images.
We can now offer you an alternative so you can once more use our addon's server again on OpenPLI based images, LinuxsatSupportAddons is a lightweight plugin where you can install the latest softcam packs, settings, picons etc. It will not overwrite any system files on your image so you can install safe in the knowledge it will not cause any problems with your image.



Available for both OE 1.6 & OE 2.0/3.0 images

For OE 2.0/3.0 based images
Choose the file ending mips32el.ipk, ftp the file to /tmp then install manually from your images addon manager.

For OE 1.6 based images
Choose the file ending mipsel.ipk, ftp the file to /tmp then install manually from your images addon manager.


**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

21/01/2015, 20h24
E uguale a quel che si trova nel TsPannel credo

21/01/2015, 20h28
Molti dei plugin da tspanel riscontrano dei problemi nell'installazione, questo è server diretto.

21/01/2015, 20h29
Molti dei plugin da tspanel riscontrano dei problemi nell'installazione, questo è server diretto.

bene é da provare allora.