
Voir la version complète : pkt pour tous les modeles enigma2

06/12/2014, 17h05
salam a tous voici une nouveil vertion pkt l image poloner pour tous les model enigma2 et voila les lein pour les modeles vu+


Added by PKT:
[ALL] fix cam start at startup tuner
[XPEEDLX] Add Correction time in deepstandby
[ALL] fix scrollbar
[SH4] add new WiFi Driver Manager
- restart GUI is required to detect WLAN stick on main network setup
- all drivers directly from GIT should be supported
- 'try driver' can be selected only when all driver is inactive
- eth0 is automatically up when 'disable driver' is selected
[ARIVA] fix vfd plugin
[ariva] GS fix on ledREC
[SH4] samba update and 2GB fix
[sh4] fix samba setup if IPV6 in kernel is enabled
[sh4] update rtmpdump and librtmp for IPTV Player
[sh4] eplayer image in NOR 32MB optimalization
[SH4] SyncTime - fix update --SS--
[mips] fix tuxtxt encoding
[sh4] Removed CrossEPG from image - now only on feed
[sh4] add Remote Manager
[sh4] add mount by LABEL in HDD Manager
[spark] fix multiboot
[UFS910] fix networking restart
[MIPS] fix start/stop/restart emu on standby
[MIPS] fix NetworkBrowser on sf8
[MIPS] add hbbtv indicator on Silver & Red skin
[ALL] fix detecting network interface and code optimization
[SH4] fix esi cooler standby
[MIPS] Shoutcast update
[all] add Memory Cleaner
[MIPS] fix Channel Control
[MIPS] fix GS on InpuDevice
[all] add NTFS to HDD Manager and ntfs-3g support
[MIPS] fix Start DLNA server
[MIPS] fix time correct on xpeedlx1
[MIPS] fix showing CPU clock
[ALL] add IPTV Player optimalisation
[CUBEREVO] fix BootPlus
[SH4] disable clear cache for UFS910
[MIPS] add missing renderer for better skins compatibility
[SH4] add UFS913
[ALL] fix manual backup restore
[MIPS] add mising files for LCD4Linux
[ALL] many other bugfixes not included in this changelog

Special THX to TDT, OpenPLI, OE-alliance and all betatesters.

FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam


**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

uno **Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

c pour les oregines

N.B: Yanic c'est pour la seconde fois que je te dis de cacher les liens, merci de respecter les règles du forum

06/12/2014, 18h18
ou je doi aler pour cacher les lein et mercie

06/12/2014, 18h30
yanic suivre ceci :

Comment cacher les liens ou certains contenu (Obligatoire)


Ces balises sont utilisés popur cacher le contenu des liens external au forum, servers online, free servers, etc, quand vous poster un message il suffit de cliquer sur le
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en plus clair,tu fait un copier du message que tu veut poster,tu clique sur le T et tu colle ton post entre les deux balises qui apparaissent

06/12/2014, 19h12
mercie man frere pour l aide et je noublirer pas la orochaine fois inchalah