
Voir la version complète : VU + Skin Pingu_TM for VTI and BH to Czaja0

15/04/2014, 09h41
**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

INSTALLATION: Put the downloaded package to / tmp , then log on to the decoder via telnet and issue the command : tar- xzvf / tmp / *. Tar.gz -C /
NOTE: New version 6.0.6 VTI - 982 If you have earlier versions before installing PINGU_TM please delete the folder from the / usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions /

- Additional opportunity to choose the style of " channelselection " in plugin : ping , pingu_full , weather and Infinnity
- Fixes in movieselection ( someone asked about the selection bar ;-))
- Added infobar and secondinfobar dark
- Added test & infobar and secondinfobar man utd with this skin Premiere League ( thx masterpolo ) 15.04.2014 New
- New infobar ' banner ZZPicons ' - create a folder for this size ZZPicons Picon
- New secondinfobar ' transparent2 '