Voir la version complète : Messi : I still love football

15/02/2014, 15h13
Lionel Messi answered the attacks of Angel Kappa when former assistant coach of Barcelona said that the star has lost the love of the game. 67 -year-old Argentine , who was second in command at the time of Cesar Luis Menotti in the '80s , assume that after " 15 years of marriage " with football, Messi has lost her feelings.

" I do not want to attach importance to the words of the trap. Did not know why he said that. I only think about how to get back to the best level . Rented 'm game. When not inserted, I was not happy with the performance. Know what give and how you feel about football. "
" I have suffered trauma calmly took me a long time to fix , but I 'm in no hurry . With most games will start to feel better, so we planned . "