
Voir la version complète : Azhar : The most successful period in my career

10/02/2014, 15h36
Chelsea midfielder Eden Azhar after his hat-trick in the door of Newcastle said that now is the most successful period of his career . As is known , the three goals of the Belgian ensured the victory of the "blue " and this in turn sent Chelsea to the top of the table standings.
"At the moment I was the most successful period of his career . I try to get pleasure from the game every game . Everything is doing well. 've Had many meetings with Chelsea . Against Manchester City it worked very well , but against Newcastle I just worked perfectly. But the whole team played at a high level , "said Azhar .
" I'm happy with my life , football is everything for me at Chelsea . 'm In good shape and I hope that everything will go on and on. Now Chelsea played strongly and collect as many points. Firstly, we are in the table ranking and hope it will stay there until the end of the season , "continued the Belgian .
" I think our staff is not as strong as that of the City, even though they won. Krupp Arsenal lost to Liverpool, but I think this is a classy team . No big difference between the favorites, the destiny of the title will be decided by details "said Azhar .