
Voir la version complète : Taarabt: Milan arrived Moroccan Balotelli

05/02/2014, 16h12
New signing Milan Adel Taarabt shared his impressions after his transfer to the Italian club. As is known, on 30 January , "Milan " said they were attracted to rent by the end of the season the Moroccan international, who was immediately included in the application for Champions League playoffs .

" I was able to play for some very good teams, but I have not yet played for the team on the level of Milan . This is a professional and highly organized club and I can not wait to show up in it," said Taarabt .
" I was glad when I realized that this club is interested in me. 's Contract with Milan was my dream that became a reality . Playmaker As a player I am , but I can play left and right. Milan has always played with plenty of attacking players . rush is embedded in the DNA of Milan . DNA of this club is more attacking than as Inter , "continued Moroccan.
" I do not think I have a temper . Maybe some people do not like honest and forthright people. Telling me that Milan will not sign me because he already has the team Balotelli . Now here came the Moroccan Balotelli ," he Taarabt .

09/02/2014, 21h17
débuts avec un objectif de Taarabt in napoli milan 3 1