
Voir la version complète : Deux gardiens dans le onze zimbabwéen

17/06/2013, 17h03
L'organisation selon les fédérations de football africaines...

Ce week-end, le Zimbabwe a joué un match contre la Guinée dans le cadre des éliminatoires au Mondial 2014. Et les « Warriors » ont été contraint d'aligner deux gardiens de but dans leur onze de départ.
La raison ? Les dirigeants de la Fédération ont en effet choisi de réserver le vol au dernier moment pour réaliser des économies. Sauf que du coup, il ne restait plus que 14 places disponibles. Ce qui signifie que l'équipe s'est déplacée avec 12 joueurs, l'entraîneur Klaus Dieter Pagels et le médecin. Mais l'histoire ne s'arrête pas là, car un joueur a perdu son passeport lors d'un transfert d'avion à Naïrobi et n'a pas pu poursuivre le voyage avec ses équipiers.
Cela signifie donc que l'entraîneur avait seulement 11 joueurs pour sa composition de départ, dont deux gardiens de but. Résultat des courses, ils ont perdu sur le score fleuve de... 1-0.

serxhio liri
17/06/2013, 20h49
Caterpillar Boateng: Nuk largohem Nga Milani!Postuar nga Albioni (http://acmilan-shqip.info/author/albionz/) në 17/06/2013 në Lajme (http://acmilan-shqip.info/category/lajme/), Skuadra (http://acmilan-shqip.info/category/skuadra/) | 0 Komente (http://acmilan-shqip.info/2013/06/ulerin-boateng-nuk-largohem-nga-milani/#respond)

http://acmilan-shqip.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/BOateng-216x300.jpg (http://acmilan-shqip.info/2013/05/sirena-angleze-per-boateng/boateng-11/)Kevin Prince Boateng and his fiancée Melissa Sata walking hand in hand on the streets of Milan, signing autographs for fans who stop on the road. Microphones facing "La Gazzetta dello Sport", Ghanaian midfielder has expressed his desire to stay at Milan. A statement that love is important, as it comes at a moment when his name circulating in the corridors of the summer transfer window: "I've heard rumors last I - Boateng said - it is not true that Milan will go. Here I feel like God. Then, if you do not believe me, yesterday was self Galliani has confirmed that I have not wanted to leave the club. Do you feel good to Milan? While still see me here, will say that I'm in my house. " After that, the 26-year-old midfielder has thus commented on the decision of the Italian Court of Pro Patrias six fans, who were sentenced to 2 to 3 months jail for racist towards midfielder red and black crust: "The court has taken a right decision. Sentencing is exemplary because it is time to declare war on racism ". Boateng day decided to leave the field after numerous insults because of their skin color.What events he experienced more severe, as the following day stated that he is ready to leave Italy. But now no longer thinks so: "When I gave that statement, I felt wounded by that event. I do not want to leave Italy. " In conclusion, the report ganezi spoke with coach Masimiliano alegri technical and tactical changes that can use red and black technician NEXT season. "Milan have acted towards confirming alegri. The new module? Last season I played in a position not mine. I do not know what alegri scheme will use next season, but I know that in every department of midfield I feel good ", - said Boateng, who has found love with Milan satin Melissa therefore a valid reason for stay in Ital

18/06/2013, 11h30
La logistique africaine et ses aléas...