Voir la version complète : AustriaSat / ORF Cryptoworks Astra 19.2°E 16.03.2013

18/03/2013, 12h48
AustriaSat / ORF Cryptoworks Provider: 0D0504-0D0510 Astra 19.2°E 16.03.2013 Down
W 0D0504 06 0987CF2A611D; CardSystem Key
W 0D0504 00 A9D732F5E738E48A91C8638B12746661; OP key
W 0D0510 06 0987CF2A611D; CardSystem Key
W 0D0510 01 C229A4036100E81A42BAC3C70EBBC852; OP key
Austriasat ORF Cryptoworks Provider: 0D0504 Astra 19.2°E 14.03.2013
Key 00: W 0D0510 00 0000000000000000C2E01777E69B850D ;AustriaSat (19.2°E)

21/03/2013, 11h51
Austriasat Key 00
0D0510 00 0000000000000000DA47280F35294B5C
0D0510 06 0987CF2A611D
index 00
but receivers like moresat work on index 01
Realy MTV No working
Channels working :
10921 H 22000
- AXN Action
- Sportdigital TV
12188 H 27500 3/4
- RTL Living
12344 H 27500 3/4
- Animax
12545 H 22000 5/6
- Kabel Eins classics
- Sat.1 Emotions
12722 H 22000
12344 H 27500

12/04/2013, 16h38

Austriasat Key:

0D0510 00 00006AB325E6ABF4DA47280F35294B5C
0D0510 06 0987CF2A611D

12/04/2013, 17h31
E 'can use the key to oscam y-modv?

12/04/2013, 17h34
E 'can use the key to oscam y-modv?

veuillez écrire en français s'il vous plait

12/04/2013, 17h50
E 'can use the key to oscam y-modv?

Cccam,Mgcamd&OsCam keys

TV Globo International (13,0°E)11.585V S/R 27500 FEC 3/4
Teleclub (Swiss cable network) ident 3B01 [Nagra]
Cablecom (Swiss cable network) ident 7301 [Nagra2]
TNT Sat France 19°E Oscam Ymod18
Rai 13°E Hotbird 10992V & 11804V - 27500 - 2/3

Bulsat (HelasSat, 39°E) Irdeto 2, ID 0604 MGcamd1.36 or higher & OsCam y mod NEXT KEY
AustriaSat / ORF (19.2E Cryptoworks)

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