Voir la version complète : fREE_iPTv_PaNdA_sAt_TeAm

05/07/2017, 03h49

Plugin E2 – FREE IPTV FOR ALL “v.4.5”
Tools for download lists free channel E2 to 100%
No Piracy

https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/5IKgidLNd.gif (https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/5IKgidLNd.gif)
**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.** http://www.gifanimate.com/data/media/345/panda-immagine-animata-0111.gif
In regards to multimedia content, the Pandasat plugin, its creators and the site, They are not responsible for the streaming source, do not manage in any way (it directly it indirectly and / or attributable Pandasat) any media since the availability of them is available through links already published and available through the Internet. In reference to the IPTV content (both Radio that TV viewing) All channels and lists provided, come from proprietary platforms, which, provide, in a free, (free) access to their distributions. ~ For any Crash decoders, currently there are no incompatibilities, tested on enigma2 / cvs many decoders and 4k with major distributed images We will release a path if any.
**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**