Voir la version complète : VU+ Plugins Xc MultiServer DM4U Modded Lululla

30/06/2017, 18h57
XCplugin-IPTV V.4.0
https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/3qWDzX7Qo.jpg (https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/3qWDzX7Qo.jpg)
XCplugin Lululla Mod. E2 Plugin v. 4.0 01/06/2017
XCplugin Version config file .xml v. 4.0
Conversion File Type MPEG to Ts
Current Service Type: 4097
Config Movie Folder /media/hdd
Config Folder file xml /etc/enigma2/xc
Skin Mods By: MMARK, Info: e2skin.blogspot.it
Plugin modded from Lululla

Which thanks CorvoBoys Corvone.com – linuxsat-support.com
and Diamondear, MMark, Rubeni, Bliner_Key, Pcd, M2boom, Pauldb, Daimon
and all those who participated and others I forgot to mention.
*** Please report any bugs you find ***
For more plugin information, visit:

Set your server in config menu or edit file xc_plugin.xml”
-Set Your Service Type:
You can use 4097 or 5002 by setting in Config Menu:
4097 for Mediaplayer and Gstreamer-dvbmediasynk
5002 for Exteplayer3 using ffmpeg.
Naturally, if you have installed Serviceapp in the enigma2 settings, when setting to use the original player.

*TV: Reload Server List: reload channel list from server set
*Switch: Server: Change the Server menu_config/folder.
You can have 1 server only in Config Menu or Multiserver with the xc_pluginXXX.xml files found in the /etc/enigma2/xc
*Configuration folder: It is important that the files start with xc_ and end with .xml”
*PVR: Open MediaCenter – PlaylistFolder
*Button 0 : M3uLoad.
Configured in Config Menu: Opens the download list. Opens the list of .m3u files downloaded during conversion. Opens the list of video recordings.
*Button REC: Download/Record Select Channel to the Job
*Create Bouquet List: This function converts the server list to a favorite bouquet channel list of the type configured in Config Menu (mpegts/m3u)with epg and logos.
*Back To Video: You return to the displayed video if the channel list opens during playback.
*Help: This informations

*M3uPlayer: Yellow Button= Downloaded List File Video and Registration – Green Button = Playlist Folder\nBlue Button: AutoPlay/Restart/Timeshift.
*Button 8 = Download Select Video.
Notes: Skin oDreamy-FHD remove XCplugin skin in /modules/skin_plugins.xml
**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**